[mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Tue Oct 13 00:49:41 PDT 2009
Thank you for your reply Lars, my info is inline.
Lars Lingner wrote:
> Adrian Popa schrieb:
>> Hmm, any idea on this one? How can I find out if proj is trying to read
>> the epsg file? I'm thinking of using strace to see what files it tries
>> to open, but I don't know what syntax to use to try to project from 4326
>> to 900913...
> Just to clarify:
> - Your data is in wgs84 (epsg:4326)
> - you want to serve mercator projection (epsg:900913)
Yes (the frontend will be OpenLayers (through TileCache)
> A few questions:
> - are there any errors in the capabilities document?
No, it looks ok. I can post it if you want, but it's a bit large. It
outputs an XML which describes the layers, projections and some settings
from the map file. I haven't seen another working GetCapabilites file,
so I can't tell if it's missing something...
> - did you tried to use mapserver logging (MS_ERRORFILE) and high debug
> level (DEBUG 5)
Here is the output after enabling MS_ERRORFILE and DEBUG 5 at layer
level and at map level:
[Tue Oct 13 10:36:36 2009].954434 msProcessProjection(): Projection
library error. no system list, errno: 13
[Tue Oct 13 10:36:36 2009].954562 mapserv request processing time
(msLoadMap not incl.): 0.000s
[Tue Oct 13 10:36:36 2009].954584 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x8496ac8.
[Tue Oct 13 10:36:36 2009].954651 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x84a9378.
> - could you try to use shp2img, maybe this gives you a bit more information?
[root at terra map]# shp2img -o /tmp/out.png -m
/var/www/html/map/rtc_base.map -e "20.259999999999998 43.16
29.700000000000003 49.2016" -s "1250 800" -l "GranitaJudete"
This works just fine (however it doesn't use WMS!). The image displayed
is correct (and it is projected in mercator projection!).
If I run:
[root at terra map]# strace shp2img -o /tmp/out.png -m
/var/www/html/map/rtc_base.map -e "20.259999999999998 43.16
29.700000000000003 49.2016" -s "1250 800" -l "GranitaJudete" 2>&1 | grep
.. I don't get any matches on the epsg file that is supposed to be used
by proj.
Looking through the output of strace, I can see it tries to open some
proj-related files...
open("/usr/share/proj/proj_def.dat", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)
open("/usr/share/proj/null", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
I wonder why it tries to open a file called null - maybe an error?
> - did you compile MapServer and the dependencies by yourself?
Yes. These are my configure arguments:
./configure --with-freetype --with-png --with-agg=../agg-2.5 --with-proj
--with-ogr --with-gdal --with-xml2 --with-wfs --with-wcs \
--with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-postgis --with-threads
--with-sos --with-mygis --with-geos --with-tiff
> - what MapServer version do you use?
version 5.4.1
> - do you have Proj4 installed? (OpenLayers doesn't use the same lib, it
> uses the javascript lib)
[adrianp at terra mapserver]$ rpm -qa | grep proj
> I hope it does not look like keeping you busy, but without further
> information its difficult to help.
Your help is very much appreciated. Any idea is a good one because it
might get me out of this predicament. :)
P.S. If I understand how projections work - if I "call" the projection
with it's EPSG code it needs the epsg file to get the details about the
projection. In my layers I'm using the EPSG definition instead the EPSG
code to define my projections. If I switch to codes it won't work (I
have tried a few months ago). So, to me, it seems mapserver (or proj)
can't get the definitions from the epsg file (maybe because it searches
for the wrong file). I will try to create the file and try again. I'll
let you know how it works.
> Lars
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