[mapserver-users] python mapscript - FORMATOPTION

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 14:54:47 PDT 2009

Dear all,
I am trying to set "FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" option using
python mapscript. I can successfully use this code snippet to write
OUTPUTFORMAT in to my mapfile:

                of = mapscript.outputFormatObj("AGG/PNG","PNG_AGGAQ")
                of.name = "PNG_AGGAQ"
                of.driver = 'AGG/PNG'
                of.imagemode = mapscript.MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA
                of.mimetype = "image/png"
                of.transparent = 1

               of.setOption("FORMATOPTION", "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON")
is not creating any result to my mapfile. Is 'setOption' working in
python mapscript ?


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