[mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files

TA useintowngas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 19:27:34 PDT 2009

Dear Rahkonen Jukka,

I have converted the dgn to shapefiles, and tileindexed these shapefiles
(index.shp) and also made a qix file (index.qix) by shptree. I found that if
I write:

data "/MAP/index"      
It rendered blank grips.

If I write:
tileindex "/MAP/index"
tileitem "location"
It works.
But I have questions, if the tileindex shapefile is quadtree indexed
(shpree), is it wrote as [tileindex "/MAP/index"] instead of [data
"/MAP/index"]? Does [tileindex "/MAP/index"] use the qix file?

Another question is that, if I tileindexed the dgn (without converting them
to shp files and output as dgnindex.shp) and quadtree indexed the tileindex
file, how can I write the code to use the qix file?
I write it as
Connectiontype OGR
tileindex "/MAP/dgnindex"
Error occurs as
msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'DGN'.
msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection in layer `DGN'.
File not found or unsupported format
where "DGN" is the name of layer.

If I write:
Connectiontype OGR
tileindex "/MAP/dgnindex,0"      , same error comes out.

If I code it as
[tileindex "/MAP/dgnindex"]       only, actually mapserver cannot read the
dgn files.
 (......Unable to open a single tile to use as a template in layer DGN.
msShapefileOpen(): Unable to access file. (D:\ms4w\MAP\1a.dgn)...... )

For filtering part, I think I should use classitem and expression function
to render the selected layers.
I also want to know are there only ogrinfo, ogr2ogr and ogrtindex utility
programs that could be used for vector data?

Thanks and regards,
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Tileindex-of-DGN-files-tp3820288p3876319.html
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