[mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please

DeDuikertjes DeDuikertjes at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 28 01:53:22 PDT 2009

Hi Antony,

Ah, you need attributes as well ...
In that case I think it's easiest to use postgis.
First load the data and attributes into postgis (it can natively read WKT).
Than you can do whatever you want with it (sky is the limit).

OpenJump and Qgis can both directly connect to postgis to do the 
necessary work.


touny schreef:
> hi Marco, 
> Thank YOu for your help. I have allready installed openJump GIS, but Now I
> dont know how can I add data into it. The only data I have is storwed in MS
> excel. it is tab vith lots of atributes, and wkt geometry is in one column.
> any idea?
> Antony
> deduikertjes wrote:
>> The opensource OpenJUMP GIS can read your WKT format and write shp (And 
>> what's more, it's a very nice GIS to do spatial processing)
>> Marco
>> Josh Hevenor schreef:
>>> http://mapserver.org/mapscript/php/index.html#shapeobj-class
>>> The second constructor will build this for you...
>>> ShapeObj ms_shapeObjFromWkt(string wkt)
>>> Or if you have a spreadsheet you could look at adding the whole thing to
>>> your mapfile, or converting it to shapefile (etc.) with ogr2ogr. 
>>> http://mapserver.org/input/vector/VirtualSpatialData.html?highlight=ovf
>>> Josh
>>> touny wrote:
>>>> POLYGON((x y,x y,x y,x y)) 
>>>> Can You help me, where can I display/export data in this format into
>>>> SHP. 
>>>> I have recieved from my boss data in XLS with this geometry.. but I dont
>>>> know how to work with it. 
>>>> Does anyone know? 
>>>> Anthony 
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