[mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Tue Oct 20 05:32:21 PDT 2009


It would be much easier to repeat your situation if you could mail us
the whole GetFeature requests you have been trying. First thing that
comes into my mind is that it would be good to try to follow the
standard text as strictly as possible.  For example, while using
epsg:31469 instead of EPSG:31469 may work, I think it probably
shouldn't.  At least is some place the standars says:

"Additional GET parameters, as described in this section, shall be
expressed as name-value pairs. Parameter names shall not be case
sensitive. Parameter values shall be case sensitive. Parameters in a
request may be specified in any order."

-Jukka Rahkonen-

> Martin Kofahl wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in querying a MapServer 5.6-beta4 WFS 1.1 
> service with different projection parameters.
> According to chapter 14.3.3  of the wfs 1.1 spec one can 
> define different reference systems for the bbox (GET-style)
> 	&bbox=4393767,5877790,4673506,6071483,epsg:31468
> and for the gml output
> 	&srsName=epsg:4326
> However, my attempts were in vain. I can choose between 
> "Wrong number of arguments for BBOX" and "SRSNAME value 
> should be valid for all the TYPENAMES".
> Someone can help me?
> Martin
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