[mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Tue Oct 20 00:25:30 PDT 2009


Could you explain bit more clear what do you want to do? Do I undestand right that you have tilecache running and you have generated the tiles?  And now you want to read those tiles with Mapserver, and push them out from Mapserver non-tiled, for example through WMS service, through WCS, of through Mapserver cgi?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Maria Neywell wrote:


Thanks for your attention,

In my MapFile I tried to configure a layer with TileCache as follows :

    DATA "myShape.shp"
    CONNECTION "http://localhost/tilecache/tilecache.cgi

But it doesn't work.

Has someone already been successful with a similar configuration?



2009/10/19 Johan Ruiter <j.ruiter at geon.nl>

>  Maria,
> In that case I can't help you out. Hopefully someone else does.
> Regards,
> Johan
>  ------------------------------
> *Van:* Maria Neywell [mailto:maria.neywell at gmail.com]
> *Verzonden:* maandag 19 oktober 2009 14:51
> *Aan:* Johan Ruiter
> *CC:* mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
> Thanks for your answer,
> I did it too with OpenLayers, but I my case,
> I don't want use OpenLayers.
> The question is : How to configure MapServer or the mapfile or both to
> use tilecache ? and display the layer without using an OpenLayers layer
> configured with tilecache ?
> Regards,
> Maria

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