[mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13

Adrian Popa adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Tue Oct 13 06:08:20 PDT 2009

Hello everyone

I managed to solve the issue. I figured out that maybe the problem is 
that the apache user (under which mapserver runs as CGI) can't read my 
epsg file. I got suspicious since my epsg file is actually a symlink to 
the real file (which is in /usr/share/proj/nad/epsg). I deleted the 
symlink and created a hardlink instead and presto! the error went away!

ln /usr/share/proj/nad/epsg /usr/share/proj/epsg

Thanks for the help, guys

Lars Lingner wrote:
> Adrian Popa schrieb:
>> Hmm, any idea on this one? How can I find out if proj is trying to read
>> the epsg file? I'm thinking of using strace to see what files it tries
>> to open, but I don't know what syntax to use to try to project from 4326
>> to 900913...
> Just to clarify:
> - Your data is in wgs84 (epsg:4326)
> - you want to serve mercator projection (epsg:900913)
> A few questions:
> - are there any errors in the capabilities document?
> - did you tried to use mapserver logging (MS_ERRORFILE) and high debug
> level (DEBUG 5)
> - could you try to use shp2img, maybe this gives you a bit more information?
> - did you compile MapServer and the dependencies by yourself?
> - what MapServer version do you use?
> - do you have Proj4 installed? (OpenLayers doesn't use the same lib, it
> uses the javascript lib)
> I hope it does not look like keeping you busy, but without further
> information its difficult to help.
> Lars
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Adrian Popa
NOC Division
Network Engineer
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core & Backbone
Phone: +40 21 400 3099

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