[mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files

TA useintowngas at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 19:52:58 PDT 2009

Dear all,
   I have another problem. Can I filter the layers of the tileindex using
"filter" in the mapfile? I write the code like this:

type line
connectiontype OGR
tileindex "/MAP/dgnindex.shp"
data "elements"
filter "where level = 1,2,3"

  But it comes to an error. It may be because the functions "data" &
"filter" should not use under the "tileindex".
  My tileindex file is generated with the DGN files. So I try to use
ogrtindex tool to create a tileindex file with ".DGN" at the end. But it
Error 6: CreateField<> not supported by this layer
Can't find LOCATION field in tile index dataset.

   I also try this:
type tileindex
data "/MAP/dgnindex.shp"
filter "where level = 1,2,3" 
   This code cause no error but nothing displays on the screen.

  Actually, if I do not filter anything and show it on the screen, without
setting 'styleitem "auto"', the map shown is really disordered in lines and
annotation. So I want to make several layer by filtering the tileindex
filter for stable performance.

  Does someone get ideas about this?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Tileindex-of-DGN-files-tp3820288p3826978.html
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