[mapserver-users] Using e00 files

Jon Miner cp_n18 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 4 08:47:07 PST 2010

On 02/02/2010 11:32 AM, Jon Miner wrote:
> Now, I'm trying to layer on information from the GRANIT website:
> http://www.granit.unh.edu/
> ftp://ftp.granit.sr.unh.edu/pub/GRANIT_Data/Vector_Data/Transportation_Networks/d-railroads/rrnh.e00
> These files are "e00" files. Based on some other mailing list entries,  I used the ogr2ogr command to convert the file into Shapefiles:
> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" temp ../data/rrnh.e00

I got it working!  The solution was to re-run the ogr2ogr command like this:

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:26719 -f "ESRI Shapefile" temp rrnh.e00

My question is... if tools like ogrinfo can read all the projection data out of the file, why can't mapserver do this on the fly?  Or is it just the case where we don't want to have to do all the work every time for performance reasons?

Thanks for everyone's help!

- Jon


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