[mapserver-users] Translate MapServer Doc into french

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Thu Feb 25 05:48:46 PST 2010

About the process described by Jeff..

The following step:
 - copy the /en folder and rename to your language

could be reconsidered. Since there is a mechanism on the server that redirect 
automatically to the english version is the file of the current translated 
doc, you can simply add the "images", "include" directories plus the 
translated documents in your "fr" directory.

It would be useful to have this process in the wiki.


On February 25, 2010 03:02:56 am Lars Lingner wrote:
> Yves Jacolin schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > What is the process to translate the documentation into french? Does
> > someone began to work on this?
> I'm not sure if someone is working on french translation, but the
> process of translating the docs has been described by Jeff McKenna here
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-dev/2010-February/009653.html
> I will add to this: Just check in the translated files. The build script
> will take care of missing translation by inserting the English version.
> Its really nice to see that the multilingual setup attracts more and
> more people ;)
> Thank you!
> Lars
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Alan Boudreault
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