[mapserver-users] Translate MapServer Doc into french

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Feb 25 06:52:16 PST 2010

Alan Boudreault wrote:
> About the process described by Jeff..
> The following step:
> - copy the /en folder and rename to your language
> could be reconsidered. Since there is a mechanism on the server that 
> redirect automatically to the english version is the file of the current 
> translated doc, you can simply add the "images", "include" directories 
> plus the translated documents in your "fr" directory.
> It would be useful to have this process in the wiki.

I agree that since we have this fallback mechanism on the server we 
should avoid committing batch copies of the English docs in the SVN 
directory and instead the translators should copy the docs one by one to 
their directory as they translate them.

Note to translators: the automated fallback to the English version of 
missing documents in the translated directories works only on the 
server, so don't be surprised if that doesn't work on your local machine 
while you test your translations.

Alan: I'd say go ahead and update the wiki with that info... it's a 
wiki, so everyone is free to improve it.

Daniel Morissette

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