[mapserver-users] Error configuring WMS app : Projection libr ary error. Invalid argument...

Fuchs Juan Carlos jfuch at indec.mecon.gov.ar
Wed Jan 6 04:46:38 PST 2010

Hi Stela
I will add my 10 cents to Frank´s answer
you put
DATA "the_geom from tbl_argentina USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=0"
¿don´t it have to say
DATA "the_geom from tbl_argentina USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1"

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com]
Enviado el: Martes, 05 de Enero de 2010 12:03 p.m.
Para: stela anders
Asunto: Re: [mapserver-users] Error configuring WMS app : Projection
library error. Invalid argument...

stela anders wrote:
>         LAYER
>         NAME Argentina
>         METADATA
>             "wms_title"    "Argentina"   ##required
>         END       
>         TYPE POLYGON
>         STATUS ON
>         INCLUDE "Connection.map"        
>         DATA "the_geom from tbl_argentina USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=0"
>         PROJECTION
>             "proj=longlat"
>             "ellps=WGS84"
>             "datum=WGS84"
>             "no_defs"
>         END
>         CLASS
>             COLOR 255 200 255
>         END
>         END
> When I try to open that with my OpenLayer app, I got images with that 
> error :
> Error: msProcessProjection(): /Projection library error/. /Invalid


I am not sure why you are getting this error.  I search high and low and
find "Invalid argument" in either MapServer or PROJ.4.  Are you working on
linux or Windows?  Were the "/" characters really in this message?  It is
hard for me to understand how this could happen.

With regard to your mapfile, I was surprised that you don't have
wms_srs metadata on your layer.  It is a shot in the dark, but perhaps you
could add wms_srs EPSG:4326 metadata on the layer, and reorder the wms_srs
metadata on the map to put EPSG:4326 first.

Also, you could try changing:

 >         PROJECTION
 >             "proj=longlat"
 >             "ellps=WGS84"
 >             "datum=WGS84"
 >             "no_defs"
 >         END



in both the layer and map.  This is slower to expand but it might
make it easier for mapserver to relate to epsg codes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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