[mapserver-users] creating views/queries on the fly

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl
Wed Jul 7 06:07:08 PDT 2010

On 07/07/10 14:50, P Kishor wrote:
> (Sidenote: the QGIS experience is frustrating. The program can do so
> much, but it does so in its own idiosyncratic, sometimes, seemingly
> half-baked way. Even registering on the darned forums was an
> impossibility. Apparently, I couldn't answer the
> thwart-against-the-bots question correctly, and I certainly couldn't
> read the almost illegible captcha.)
I'm not that negative about QGis, it's quite good and stable as long as 
you keep within its limits. However, as soon as you try to do something 
special, its structure turns out to be so complex and inelastic that it 
gets really difficult to add real new functionality. I have the same 
impression of OpenLayers and PHP, all very much community directed 
projects, in which many people do very intelligent things, only the sum 
of all those intelligent things tends to get more inflexible with every 
addition. I always liked PostGIS, GDAL, and especially MapServer, for 
their almost limitless expandability from very simple initial concepts.


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