[mapserver-users] GDAL WMS

James Perrins james.perrins at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 06:51:28 PDT 2010

Thanks Tamas - but I'm still confused..

With a WMS call I can specify the BlockSize - which I believe controls
the size of the tiles that I get back from the WMS service

If I have set blocksize to be 256 then if I am requesting a WMS image
to fill a 512x512 space on the screen and I have the
OVERSAMPLING_RATIO=1 - I would expect it to request 4 to 9 256x256
tiles (depending on how aligned it was)

"SizeX,SizeY corresponds to the raster dimensions in pixels" -
- is this the raster of the source image (the WMS is vector so this
doesn't make much sense to me?)
- or is it the size of the image produced - which is a series of
256x256 tiles stitched together to whatever size I have requested
through mapserver - so again it doesn't make much sense to me to
define this in the xml file - as it will change as my window resizes.

If talking about a tileserver - e.g OpenStreetMap - what is the
SizeX,Y then - the size of the source raster at its maximum resolution

Sorry if these are silly questions - but I'm clearly missing some bit
of basic understanding here

Many Thanks

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/3/15 James Perrins <james.perrins at gmail.com>
>> Do you know what the SizeX does for WMS as well ?
> SizeX,SizeY corresponds to the raster dimensions in pixels
> Best regards,
> Tamas

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