[mapserver-users] FOSS4G 2010 - Call for Abstracts (Updated March 2010)

Lime, Steve D (DNR) Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Thu Mar 18 10:28:21 PDT 2010

FOSS4G2010 Press Release

Call for Abstract (Update March 2010)

We are pleased to announce that the deadline for Abstract submissions (Regular Sessions and Academic Track) has been postponed to April 15th, 2010!!

*General Sessions

FOSS4G presentations are 25 minute talks, with a 5 minute question and answer session at the end. Presentations cover aspects of the use or development of open source geospatial software. Anyone can can submit a presentation proposal and take part in the conference as a speaker.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee

For more information, see the FOSS4G2010 site:

**Important dates

Submission deadline (Abstract for the General or Regular Sessions) - Apr, 15th, 2010

*Academic Track

The FOSS4G 2010 academic track aims to bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.

The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, but the major goal is to promote cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains. It will be organized in a way to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote international collaboration.

**Submission guidelines

All submissions to the academic track must be original unpublished work written in English. Abstracts should not exceed the 300 words limit and Full Article or Papers should not exceed the 6000 words limit. Formatting guidelines will be available soon. Submitting an abstract is mandatory to get the chance to submit and present a full article. Submitted abstracts and papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the members of the International Academic Chair and refereed for their quality, originality and relevance.

**Important dates

Submission deadline (Abstract for the Academic Track) - Apr, 15th, 2010
Submission deadline (Full Paper for the Academic Track) - Jul, 15th, 2010

*Upcoming milestones
  * 22 Feb 2010, Registration for workshop and tutorials (In Progress!!)
  * 15 Apr 2010, Abstract submission deadline (General Sessions and Academic Track)
  * 15 May 2010, Presenters notified of acceptance for talks
  * 15 Jun 2010, Author/Early registration deadline
  * 15 Jul 2010 Full article submission deadline for Academic Track
  * Aug 2010, Completed program available
  * 6-7 Sep 2010, FOSS4G Workshops
  * 7-9 Sep 2010, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
  * 10 Sep 2010, FOSS4G Code Sprint

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