[mapserver-users] Expressions

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Fri Sep 17 06:20:18 PDT 2010

I am using GeoMoose but feel this is more a question for Map Server.
I am trying to sort my points by dates using the code below....I think that I can do this but not sure
Is this a viable format "2Y%2M%2D" ?

*         As for the field in the shapefile...If I use an integer it removes the 0 from the 092110, (sept 21st 2010)

*         If I use a date then there are "/"  ... 9/21/10

*         The only way I can see this happening is using a text field with retains the 0 in 092110

When I use the textfield "dateValues" as seen below I can get the stars to draw but only the LASTWEEK...for some reason the LASTTWOWEEKS does not show  and I know that I have a few records with dates in the last 14 days...


THANKS....all your help is very appreciated....

Main .xml file

  <map-source name="Burglaries" type="mapserver">
    <param type="today" offset="-7" name="LASTWEEK" format="%2Y%2M%2D" />
    <param type="today" offset="-14" name="LASTTWOWEEKS" format="%2Y%2M%2D" />
    <param type="today" offset="-30" name="LASTTHIRTY" format="%2Y%2M%2D" />
    <param type="today" offset="-90" name="LASTNINTY" format="%2Y%2M%2D" />
    <layer name="Burglaries"/>

.map file

       NAME 'Last Weeks'
       EXPRESSION ('[dateValues]' > '%LASTWEEK%')
              COLOR 0 0 0
              SYMBOL "star"
              SIZE 12
       NAME 'Last Two Weeks'
       EXPRESSION ('[dateValues]' > '%LASTTWOWEEKS%')
              COLOR 0 100 50
              SYMBOL "star"
              SIZE 12

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