[mapserver-users] multiple labels? also, symbols forced to display within a polygon?

Robert Hollingsworth reh2 at prodigy.net
Fri Sep 24 12:45:48 PDT 2010

Are there definitive statements somewhere in the mapserver/mapscript 
documentation on whether/how multiple labels, with their own string 
content, color, font, placement, etc., can ALL be simultaneously displayed 
on each placed feature within a layer?  I've seen some hints that this can 
be done, but the infrastructure does not seem to support it.

I'm doing some rather 'brittle' things with php-mapscript ShapeObj, 
and it appears my attempts to do multiple things with Labels and 
Classes results in the last such action effectively overwriting previous 
actions on the same ShapeObj.  So I want between zero and four labels to 
appear per feature, but only one does.

Really, I'm just trying to display multiple symbols, between zero and five 
per polygon feature, depending on client app params, and that basically 
works, BUT it does not appear that symbol placement exploits the scheme 
used in label placement where the polygon centroid is rejected as 
placement point if said centroid is not within polygon.

Any suggestions or doc refs appreciated,
Robert H

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