[mapserver-users] substitute DATA parameter via URL?

Stefanie Weykam sweykam at telefonica.net
Thu Sep 30 08:19:42 PDT 2010

  Dear list members,

I would like to change the following DATA parameter via URL

DATA "the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, oid, acar as qf FROM geotable) as 

..where acar is the variable (a table field name) that should change on 

How would the DATAPATTERN look like?

I have tried without success:
DATAPATTERN "^the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, oid, [a-z]{4} as qf FROM 
geotable) as foo USING UNIQUE oid USING SRID=4326"
..which throws a parsing error near (DATAPATTERN)

And I suppose the corresponding extension to the base URL would look 
like this?
..&map.layer[myLayer].data="the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, oid, emci as 
qf FROM geotable) as foo USING UNIQUE oid USING SRID=4326"
..worked fine on MapServer 4.6 (before validation war requiered)

I wonder if it was easier to retrieve the entire table and substitute 
the field name. But I have 6 classes with expressions like this:

EXPRESSION ([qf]> 20 AND [qf]<= 40)

..which would make the URL-extension even longer. Anyway, I haven’t 
figured out how to set up the corresponding validation string of the 
either the classitem or the logical expression or both.

I’m (still) working with MapServer v. 5.2.1

Any examples for DATAPATTERN would be highly appreciated.

Best regards

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