[mapserver-users] How to convert from 2393(Finish YKJ) to 4326 (WGS84)
Rahkonen Jukka
Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Sun Jul 24 10:16:46 PDT 2011
I suppose that towgs84 parameters are missing. You can check this with psql:
select proj4text from spatial_ref_sys where srid=2393;
The result should be close to
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1.000000 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-90.7,-106.1,-119.2,4.09,0.218,-1.05,1.37 +units=m +no_defs
If it is not, update the record.
A related thing is that Mapserver epsg text file often comes without towgs84 parameters for the Finnish KKJ zones. This is what I seem to have on this computer:
KKJ / Finland Uniform Coordinate System
<2393> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-96.0617,-82.4278,-121.743,4.80107,0.34543,-1.37646,1.4964 +units=m +no_defs <>
You can see that the parameters are not the same. There are more parameter sets around and that's actually the reason why Proj4 comes or at least used to come without any parameters because none of the sets was authorized. The results of these transformations are rather close and accurate to about one meter. You can read also http://latuviitta.org/documents/YKJ-TM35FIN_muunnos_ogr2ogr_cs2cs.txt (in Finnish, I suppose it is not a problem for you).
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Pena Kupen wrote:
> Hello all,
> Last time I was successfully helped by Ralf - Thank's once more time!
> Now I have same type of problem, but I cannot get correct result.
Table is:
CREATE TABLE location (
location_id integer NOT NULL,
coord geometry
Data is in coord column as 2393 format.
My sql is like:
y(location.coord) as y_ykj,
x(location.coord) as x_ykj,
y(ST_Transform(location.coord,4326)) as y_wgs84,
x(ST_Transform(location.coord,4326)) as x_wgs84
from location where location_id = 'AAA123A'
result for y_ykj and x_ykj are ok, but point of x_wgs84 and y_wgs84 are about 180meters too much in east.
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