[mapserver-users] Clipping a coverage using another coverage

mbagni m.bagni at marcobagni.com
Mon Jun 6 10:10:23 PDT 2011

Hi all,
I have decided to make this question after having looked for an answer
without success in MapServer manual and in the Net.
My problem is the following:
I have a coverage of polygons in and I would like to clip it with another
coverage containing only one polygon in order to return only those polygons
of the first coverage that are completely or partially contained in the
second coverage (which has only one polygon).

Practically the problem is like extracting from a coverage that contains all
the cities of one country only the cities that are within a region boundary.

Is there a way to tell MapServer to perform this selection and return
(render) only the features that are within my Region Of Interest?

I think that my problem is quite common but I do not know if the lack of any
question on this issue shows that its solution is trivial (I really wish it
was) or not possible.

Thanks in advance for your support.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Clipping-a-coverage-using-another-coverage-tp6445993p6445993.html
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