[mapserver-users] queryByFeatures not working in 5.6.6?

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Tue Mar 1 08:56:12 PST 2011

We are upgrading our MapServer installation to 5.6.6, and now are
finding a problem with queries that were previously working.


I'm tracing the problem to a queryByFeatures operation.  We are taking a
selected parcel and querying a zoning layer to see what zones are
intersected by the parcel.  We are able to successfully select the
parcel by a queryByAttributes.  We get the shape from the selected
parcel, then attempt a queryByFeatures.  But no results are returned for
the zoning layer.


As I mentioned earlier, this was functioning properly in the previous
version of MapServer.  Is there a change in syntax or something else
that I'm not aware of?



Here is some of the code to perform the query:


-At this point, a parcel has been selected...


// Loop through the results set (there should only be one), get the
shape, and save the

// shape attributes.

for ($i=0; $i<=($oLayer_lurc_parcels->getNumResults() - 1); $i++) {

            $oResult = $oLayer_lurc_parcels->getResult($i);


            $oShape =

            $TPL = $oShape->getValue($oLayer_lurc_parcels,"TPL");

            $_SESSION['results']['TPL'][$_SESSION['nresults']] =




// Perform the intersection; query the zones layer with the parcel
feature.  Again, should

// only be one parcel.


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