[mapserver-users] Thread safety with Php/Mapscript 3.0.1/5.6.6 and IIS 7

Tom Price tom_price at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 20:23:49 EST 2011

Haven't been on this board in a long time. I'm in the process of 
upgrading from PHP 5.2.5 to 5.3.5 and to the latest Php/Mapscript in 
MS4W which is apparently based on Mapserver 5.6.6.

My client plans to host this using the Fast-cgi VC9 version of PHP with IIS 7 on a 64-bit Win 2008 Server.

 noticed that the binary in MS4W requires that I install the thread-safe
 version of PHP on IIS. I get this message from phpinfo() with the NTS 

Warning: PHP Startup: MapScript: Unable to initialize module Module compiled
with build ID=API20090626,TS,VC9 PHP compiled with build ID=API20090626,NTS,VC9
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0 

Is Mapscript now thread-safe? Or is this selection particular to the Apache deployment?

Thanks in advance.

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