[mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release - Please test!

Andy Colson andy at squeakycode.net
Thu Mar 10 17:51:42 EST 2011

On 3/10/2011 4:39 PM, Andy Colson wrote:
>> On 10/03/2011 3:54 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> A couple of points on this, MS6.0 no longer has a GD driver? is this
>>> correct? if so, then:
>>> a. need to add to migration guide
>>> b. need to indicate appropriate GD to AGG OUTPUTFORMAT conversions
>>> c. mapfile parsing should throw an error ob DRIVER 'GD/...'
>>> -Steve W
> On 3/10/2011 3:32 PM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
>  > GD is still there . It is still there and does 8bit png and gif.
>  >
> Well, then I think somethings wrong. I cannot get GD to work at all, and
> I cannot get it to use anything else:
> andy at mapper:/pub/maps$ shp2img -m blueearthmn.map -o tmp.jpg -i jpeg
> loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause
> references driver GD/JPEG, but this driver isn't configured. <br>
> andy at mapper:/pub/maps$ shp2img -m blueearthmn.map -o tmp.png -i jpg
> loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause
> references driver GD/JPEG, but this driver isn't configured. <br>
> -- yes, bob2 is defined as an outputform in my .map file as AGG/PNG
> andy at mapper:/pub/maps$ shp2img -m blueearthmn.map -o tmp.png -i bob2
> loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause
> references driver GD/JPEG, but this driver isn't configured. <br>
> andy at mapper:/pub/maps$ shp2img -m blueearthmn.map -o tmp.png -i png
> loadOutputFormat(): General error message. OUTPUTFORMAT clause
> references driver GD/JPEG, but this driver isn't configured. <br>
> Does not seem to matter what I have in the .map file... nothing works.
> And I did compile GD in, why why wont it use it?
> -Andy
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BA!  I was editing blueearthmn2.map but shp2img'ing blueearthmn.map

but still, I cannot get GD to work at all.  And it seems like the 
outputFormats are colliding.  If I define:

		NAME "bob2"
		MIMETYPE "image/png"

I can use bob2, but if I name it agg or aggpng24 (or whatever) it has 
problems.  (same with jpeg and jpg, cant seem to use em)  If I use 
anything "standard" I get an empty image back.  Meaning zero byte file. 
  (from perl mapscript).  Using bob2 I can get an image back, and it 
looks nice.


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