[mapserver-users] MapServer WMS and INSPIRE View Services development

Kralidis,Tom [Ontario] Tom.Kralidis at ec.gc.ca
Fri Mar 18 10:44:51 EDT 2011

FYI there has been some discussion with regard to enabling forthcoming INSPIRE [1] View Services support for MapServer WMS server.

For MapServer WMS users in European Union member states, this support is vital in your WMS services.

At the Montreal Code Sprint this week, we decided that it would be valuable to start a mailing list devoted to discussing requirements for INSPIRE support in MapServer WMS server.  This can help in formulating the scope, requirements and level of effort for a future RFC.

If you are interested in seeing INSPIRE support in MapServer WMS server, you are encouraged to join the mailing list at http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-inspire.



[1] http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

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