[mapserver-users] Production mapserver

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Mon Mar 21 16:22:26 EDT 2011


There can be much more important things to optimise before changing from CGI to FastCGI. I mean optimising the data. Take care of the indexes. Limit the numbers of features to be rendered, drawing more than a couple of thousands is usually unnecassary. Use simplified vector layers when you do not need all the zillions of vertices in the original top quality data, and so on.  

You said you are going to use shapefiles and some imagery. CGI can take something like 50 milliseconds more time for opening those than FastCGI. It can be even 100 milliseconds, but as long as the limits of CGI are not met your users can hardly feel the difference. Naturally the situation changes when you reach the limits of throughput from CGI. In our environment CGI can do 10 requests per second with aerial imagery while FastCGI takes 20 per second. However, we have seen that with multicore processors CGI is extremely reliable and till the 10 images per second the user experiance is good. When feeding some 50 million tiles into cache we actually switched from FastCGI back to CGI because FastCGI failed every now and then (once per 50000 or 100000 GetMaps).

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org puolesta: Jeff Dege
Lähetetty: ma 21.3.2011 21:30
Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: RE: [mapserver-users] Production mapserver
So, from what I'm hearing Apache vs. Lighttpd isn't going to make a significant difference.

Cgi vs. FastCGI very definitely will.

Great.  So how do I get FastCGI working?

There are docs at: http://mapserver.org/optimization/fastcgi.html

They are only getting me part of the way there.

1. I'm seeing two packages, that are available for Apache, mod_fastcgi and mod_fcgi.  Are these both needed?  Only one needed?  Are they replacements, alternatives, or entirely unrelated to each other?

2. In the Configuration section of the above doc, it says to modify http.conf to load the module, and to add a handler.  The Ubuntu packages placed fastcgi.conf and fastcgi.load in /etc/apache2/mods-available.  I expect that I simply need to create a link to these in /etcs/apache2/mods-enabled, the way the others are.

3. The Configuration section also says to add a FastCgiConfig command.  Where should this be? 

I see nothing in that configuration that indicates that it's the mapserv executable I want to run via fastcgi.  

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