[mapserver-users] display of features- more than one attribute

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Mon Oct 17 15:28:57 PDT 2011

Never mind- got it under control.  Brain cramp. 



From: Bistrais, Bob 
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 5:59 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] display of features- more than one attribute


This one is rather convoluted.  I have a dataset that contains 4
attributes that I want to show.  All items are basically 1/0, or yes/no.
For each feature, if one item = 1, draw one symbol.  Farther down in the
map file, for another item, if = 1, draw another symbol on the same
feature, and so on.  If possible, I'd like to do this all with one map
file.  So far, it's not working for me- symbols are only drawn for the
first attribute where = 1.  I hope this makes some sense.  Does anyone
have any ideas?

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