[mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage error

Juan Rapoport juanrapoport at suremptec.com.ar
Tue Sep 6 16:59:04 EDT 2011

Hello list,

I have a raster datasource in epsg:900913.
I make a GetCoverage request using WCS standard 1.1.0, using this


the resulting image is one pixel only.

Changing the BOUNDINGBOX to miny, minx, maxy, maxx
(BOUNDINGBOX=-60,-36,-56,-34,urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326), makes this error:

WCS server error. Requested BBOX
(-4007501.66855785,-7558415.65608178,-4007501.66855785,21542212.205083) is
outside requested coverage BBOX

Seems that the upper tight coordinate is not taken into account.
Is Mapserver misunderstanding the boundingbox parameters?
Using Mapserver 5.6.

Thanks in advance.
Juan Rapoport
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