[mapserver-users] Crash on Labeling

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 17:23:41 EDT 2011

please open a ticket and attach a minimal mapfile/testcase that
reproduces the issue.


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 22:30,  <Stuart.Harlan at modot.mo.gov> wrote:
> I am labeling roads.  I have a class using the TEXT directive like so:
> TEXT 'Bus [NAME]'
> This is for a business loop and labels in the map correctly with the highway
> name in the place of [NAME].  I also have other "Loop"s.  I tried this for
> the other loops:
> TEXT 'Loop [NAME]'
> ...and I get the following label in the map:
> Loop [NAME]
> ...just like you see it, with brackets and all.  Then I did some
> experimenting.  When I try this in the config file:
> TEXT 'q [NAME]'
> ...the entire process crashes.  Yes, that's simply a 'q'.  Are there
> labeling issues in MapServer 6.0.1?  Because, I think I may have found some.
>  I'm using a custom built binary (MSVC 10) on Windows 7.
> Stuart Harlan
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