[mapserver-users] Re: MapScript WMS request

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 10:48:17 PDT 2011

a bit more investigation on producing a WMS response via Perl MapScript reveals the following error

  <?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM "http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.1.0/exception_1_1_0.dtd">
  <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.0">
  msWMSDispatch(): WMS server error. WMS request not enabled. Check wms/ows_enable_request settings.

So, it seems I have to somehow, somewhere enable 'ows_enable_request'. Looking at the documentation, seems like if I had a map file, I could add the following line to do so

  ows_enable_request '*'

However, I am not using a map file at all. Not finding any documentation on this setting, I tried the following to no avail

  $map->{ows_enable_request} = '*';

Suggestions, anyone?

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:18 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:

> I would really appreciate insight from someone well-versed in the ins and outs of WMS via MapScript. Looking at the discussion at [http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/670], the `img = wms_map.draw()` step seems to be a crucial part of drawing the image.
> So, I added `my $img = $map->draw();` to my code below, and indeed, the image was drawn and sent back to the browser.
> Is this something that should be added to the examples in the documentation? Is this the right way to do things? In any case, I am not write to STDOUT, and sending the buffer directly. Instead, my code is very much like a regular request (and it works) --
>    my $new_extent = $map->{extent};
>    my $req = new mapscript::OWSRequest();
>    $req->setParameter( "SERVICE", "WMS" );
>    $req->setParameter( "VERSION", "1.1.0" );
>    $req->setParameter( "REQUEST", "GetMap" );
>    $req->setParameter( "BBOX", "-180,-90,180,90" );
>    $req->setParameter( "LAYERS", "layer_name");
>    $req->setParameter( "SRS", "-1");
>    $req->setParameter( "WIDTH", "1200");
>    $req->setParameter( "HEIGHT", "600");
>    my $dispatch_out = $map->OWSDispatch( $req );
>    my $img = $map->draw();
>    my $map_img = 'test_' . sprintf("%0.10d", rand(1000000000)) . '.png';
>    $img->save("/path/to/$map_img");
>    return send_file("/path/to/$map_img");
> Comments? Corrections?
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
>>> I am trying to convert my MapScript program to a WMS responder. I create my $map where I set all the layers and classes and colors, etc, just like for a normal, non-WMS request that works perfectly correctly.
>>> my $map = undef;
>>> $map = mapObj(name => 'mymap') unless defined $map;
>>> my $req = new mapscript::OWSRequest();
>>> $req->setParameter( "SERVICE", "WMS" );
>>> $req->setParameter( "VERSION", "1.1.0" );
>>> $req->setParameter( "REQUEST", "GetCapabilities" );
>> I changed the above line to 
>>  $req->setParameter( "REQUEST", "GetMap");
>> but, still no improvement.
>>> mapscript::msIO_installStdoutToBuffer();
>>> my $dispatch_out = $map->OWSDispatch( $req );
>>> printf "%s\n", mapscript::msIO_getStdoutBufferString();
>>> Except, the above doesn't really do anything for me. I get nothing in my browser. Suggestions?
>>> --
>>> Puneet Kishor

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