[mapserver-users] MapScript WMS request
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
Michael.Smith at usace.army.mil
Fri Sep 9 06:52:55 PDT 2011
I use this type of OpenLayers layer (OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer) all the
time and it works great. As an old school cgi user, I find the MapServer
interface more flexible than the WMS one.
Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers
On 9/9/11 9:39 AM, "Fawcett, David (MPCA)" <david.fawcett at state.mn.us>
>As far as I know, OpenLayers still has support for a layer based on
>MapServer CGI. Because MapServer can also serve up WMS well, this layer
>type isn't necessarily recommended or as well supported.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Mr. Puneet
>Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 9:32 PM
>To: Daniel Morissette
>Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] MapScript WMS request
>On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:28 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> On 11-09-08 09:02 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>>>> Maybe call $map->save("/tmp/my.map") in your script after the map and
>>>>layer have been populated and paste the result... that may give us a
>>> wow! this is a super-awesome debugging technique. I have sent you the
>>>map file off list to not pollute the entire list serve.
>> I was able to reproduce the issue with the copy of the mapfile you sent
>> It turns out that mappostgis.c's msPostGISLayerGetExtent() is hardcoded
>>to always return
>> {minx = -25000000, miny = -25000000, maxx = 25000000, maxy = 25000000}
>> ...and then it returns MS_SUCCESS.
>> I think this function should either be left unimplemented (this way
>>MapServer would fallback on other mechanisms), or return MS_FAILURE to
>>indicate to the calling code that it didn't do anything useful.
>> A quick search indicates an open ticket about the issue:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3585
>> You could bump the ticket and hope someone works on it at the FOSS4G
>>code sprint next week.
>> The short term fix for you would be to set the "ows_extent" metadata in
>>your layer:
>> "ows_extent" "-180 -90 180 90"
>> ...
>> END
>Thanks Daniel. I will bump the ticket. For now, see below --
>Using the "my.map" file I sent you, with no further modifications to it,
>I am able to successfully get an image back via
>Note, no further modifications is required, that is, not even the
>"ows_extent" "-180 -90 180 90" bit in the layer METADATA. and I still get
>a good image.
>However, if I use the following program to access the same map file, I
>get the spurious "minx = -25000000, miny = -25000000, maxx = 25000000,
>maxy = 25000000" in the GetCapabilities.
>Finally, if I add the "ows_extent" "-180 -90 180 90" line in the layer
>METADATA in the "my.map" file, the GetCapabilities returns the correct
>bounds now, however, the image is still blank.
> #!/opt/local/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use mapscript;
> my $wms = new mapscript::OWSRequest();
> $wms->setParameter("SERVICE", "WMS" );
> $wms->setParameter("VERSION", "1.1.1" );
> $wms->setParameter("REQUEST", "GetMap" );
> $wms->setParameter("BBOX", "-180,-90,180,90" );
> $wms->setParameter("LAYERS", "gmna");
> $wms->setParameter("SRS", "EPSG:4326");
> $wms->setParameter("WIDTH", "1200");
> $wms->setParameter("HEIGHT", "600");
> $wms->setParameter("FORMAT", "image/png");
> $wms->setParameter("TRANSPARENT", "true");
> my $map = new
> if(!$map) {
> warn "New mapObj() error: $mapscript::ms_error->{message}\n";
> }
> my $io = mapscript::msIO_installStdoutToBuffer();
> my $dispatch_out = $map->OWSDispatch( $wms );
> printf "%s\n", mapscript::msIO_getStdoutBufferString();
>I have now spent an enormous amount of time on this, and for now, I have
>to move on. This is just not working out. Maybe I will try some other
>technique, perhaps this mode=tile to see if I can get MapServer powered
>maps in my apps.
>Thanks much for your help. If you (or anyone else) can come up with a
>bright idea, I will be happy to try it.
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