[mapserver-users] Re: Proj 900913 and mapext lat/lon

Aurélien FILEZ kinju59 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 13:25:05 EDT 2011

For example, I have 4 tiles :
1) mapext=-30+30+0+45
2) mapext=-30+45+0+60
3) mapext=0+30+30+45
4) mapext=0+45+30+60

All with mapsize=1024+1024

The result is here : http://kinju59.free.fr/tiles/

For the horizontal cut, it seems to be good, but not for the vertical :( Why

Should I change my mapsize values ? Or the "width" ratio lati/longi ?

Please help me :'(

2011/9/23 Aurélien FILEZ <kinju59 at gmail.com>

> Hi List,
> I have data with projection 900913. My mapfile is configured to use this
> projection. Until there, everything is fine.
> Also I have an application which manage tiles cutting the world in lat/lon
> coordinates. For exemple, from -180,-90,180,90, if the zoom=2 it want
> retreive 4 tiles :
> 1) -180 -90 0 0
> 2) -180 0 0 90
> 3) 0 -90 180 0
> 4) 0 0 180 90
> This done like this king of query :
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=MY_MAPFILE&mode=map&layers=all&mapext=minX+minY+maxX+maxY&mapsize=256+256
> But it does not work fine. Tiles are well cutted in coordinates but not
> when rendering..
> Is there is a trick to make it ? Or maybe it's not possible to display in
> 900913 and exploit in 4326 ?
> I'm a beginner..
> Sorry for my bad english,
> Regards
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