VS: [mapserver-users] TILEINDEX layer problem mapserver 6.0.1

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Sep 28 02:23:59 EDT 2011


It must come from this new feature, capture from http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html

WMS TAG Name: BoundingBox (WMS1.1.1, sect. 6.5.6)
Description: (Optional) Used for the layer's BoundingBox tag for cases where it is impossible (or very inefficient) for MapServer to probe the data source to figure its extents. The value for this metadata is "minx miny maxx maxy" separated by spaces, with the values in the layer's projection units. If wms_extent is provided then it has priority and MapServer will NOT try to read the source file's extents.
For Rasters served through WMS, MapServer can now use the wms_extent metadata parameter to register the image. If a .wld file cannot be found, MapServer will then look for the wms_extent metadata parameter and use the extents of the image and the size of the image for georegistration"
I would first remove the EXTENT from LAYER and wms_extent from layer metadata and see what happens then. You would get a visual hint about what happens by making the tileindex shapefile as a normal vector polygon layer and by showing it above the imagery layer.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 Simon Mercier  wrote:

 > Hi list, I try to migrate a map service to Mapserver 6.0.1 that work perfectly with a Mapserver 5.0.3 and I have a strange behavior with a TILEINDEX layer.  If you look the picture(in yellow you have the raster coverage)(http://mapcoop.org/www-demo/bugorthos.JPG), you see that my image coverage is not the same scale? The raster coverage fit exactly with the WMS_EXTENT tag of my TILEINDEX layer.  Moreover, if I comment the WMS_EXTENT tag no raster appears in my map.  Images are ECW files and projection is EPSG:32187.  The GETMAP is EPSG:32198.  I had to compile GDAL 1.8.0 to use ECW driver.  Did I miss something?  Where should I look?


    NAME "orthos_sim"
    EXTENT -1100000 -23500 1100000 2253500
    CONFIG MS_ERRORFILE         "/var/services/mapserv/logs/mapserv-sim.log"
        QUERYFORMAT "text/xml"
        BROWSEFORMAT "text/xml"
        IMAGEPATH   "/tmp/"
        IMAGEURL    "/ms_tmp/"
            "wms_title"                      "orthos"
            "wms_abstract"                "Service web d'imagerie Orthosphoto"
            "wms_description"             "Ce service "
            "wms_keywordlist"             "orthophotographie"
            "wms_onlineresource"         "http://sigdev/cgi-bin/orthos_sim?"
            "wms_server_version"                    "1.1.1"
            "wms_format"                            "image/png"
            "wms_getcontext_enabled"                "1"
            "ows_enable_request"                    "*"
                NAME "T_AN2000_MTM7"
                TYPE RASTER
                debug 5
                EXTENT 160000 4960000 450000 5450000
                TILEINDEX "/var/www/wms/tmp/AN2000_MTM07.shp"
                TILEITEM "location"
                        "wms_title"    "T_AN2000_MTM7"
                        "wms_name"  "an 2000 mtm 07"
                        "wms_kaywordlist"  "orthos"
                        "wms_abstract"  "Couche d'orthos"
                        "wms_srs"    "EPSG:32198 EPSG:900913 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190"
                        "wms_extent"   "160000 4960000 450000 5450000"

Simon Mercier
Saint-Nicolas, QC
Canada G7A 4Y2
linkedIn : http://ca.linkedin.com/in/simonmercier
twitter : http://twitter.com/simonmercier
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