[mapserver-users] extracting geo data from a tiff

Jessica Clarke Jessica.Clarke at forestrytas.com.au
Sun Apr 29 22:18:20 PDT 2012

I'm trying to find out the geographic coordinates of an output map. 
Please correct me if there is an easier way, but I have added the GDAL/GTIFF output format to my mapfile, and I am calling it with ...&qformat=GTiff&... in my URL so that it selects that instead of the png output format (which is already in use by a large number of people). 
What I want to do now, is produce a report that gives the top-left coordinate of the map. 
Is there a way to extract this information and produce a report? 
My thought process at the moment:
Include another outputformat which is text so my URL would be ...&qformat=GTiff+report&...
But I'm not sure how to do that exactly, or how to extract the coordinates. 
I have run GDAL info in cmd, so I'm aware of the data that is contained. 
Any advice would be appreciated.  I am hoping I'm on the right track at the moment. 
Thanks in advance, 

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