April 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 21:47:01 PDT 2012
Ending: Mon Apr 30 23:04:16 PDT 2012
Messages: 183
- [mapserver-users] postgis error "geom" deos not exit
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] Re: postgis error "geom" does not exist
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] Using 2 attributes in 1 class
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] HELLLPPP!!!!
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Help!
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Hellp please!!
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] (no subject)
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] RE: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 51, Issue 11
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] RE: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 51, Issue 11
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Help
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] RE:
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Help Please
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Help Please
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] HI EVERYONE
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Anyone used MapServer to draw (things other than maps) with?
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] tinyows sample links.
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Label a point in a legend arbitrarily.
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Label a point in a legend arbitrarily.
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Label a point in a legend arbitrarily.
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Imagemap making . . .
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Imagemap making . . . (last post didn't format very well., sorry . . .)
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] WMS Speed vs Direct URL
John Callahan
- [mapserver-users] GeoSciML in Mapserver WFS
John Callahan
- [mapserver-users] GeoSciML in Mapserver WFS
John Callahan
- [mapserver-users] Really slow map creation from POSTGIS DB
Julien Cigar
- [mapserver-users] extracting geo data from a tiff
Jessica Clarke
- [mapserver-users] extracting geo data from a tiff
Jessica Clarke
- [mapserver-users] Trouble with spatialite layer
Paolo Corti
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 5.6, WMS client does not keep layer opacity
Francesco D'Alesio
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI 5.6.6 and MapServer CGI 6.0.2 image quality varies.
Chandrakant Dinni
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI 5.6.6 and MapServer CGI 6.0.2 image quality varies.
Chandrakant Dinni
- AW: [mapserver-users] Help installing mapserver 4.10.7
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo results: Search returned no results
Neelima Emmani
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo results: Search returned no results
Neelima Emmani
- [mapserver-users] Extent in grouped layers
Per Engström
- [mapserver-users] Help installing mapserver 4.10.7
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Passing a mapfile via CGI
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver MS4W PostGIS 2.0.0
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] GeoSciML in Mapserver WFS
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
- [mapserver-users] RE: Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
- [mapserver-users] RE: Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
- [mapserver-users] RE: Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
- [mapserver-users] Trouble with spatialite layer
Sven Geggus
- [mapserver-users] labels problem
Karina Guardado
- [mapserver-users] labels problem
Karina Guardado
- [mapserver-users] labels problem
Karina Guardado
Eberle Harald
Eberle Harald
- [mapserver-users] GetLegendGraphic when using MINSIZE/MAXSIZE [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Kathleen Hirst
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] Fail to build Mapscript Python with current source
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] How to disable repeated labels
Jason Jackson
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
Thomas Joseph
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
Thomas Joseph
- [mapserver-users] Validation error (but working!)
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] HELLLPPP!!!!
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo results: Search returned no results
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo results: Search returned no results
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Trouble with spatialite layer
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] How I get image high quality for print?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver MS4W PostGIS 2.0.0
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver MS4W PostGIS 2.0.0
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver MS4W PostGIS 2.0.0
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Postgis/mapserver error
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Really slow map creation from POSTGIS DB
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] handling features that cross the date line
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Anyone used MapServer to draw (things other than maps) with?
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] pointObj->project behaviour differences from 4.10 to 5.6 versions
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6 CGI output GeoJSON format
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] RE: Possible bug: Cairo/PDF output labels
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Label a point in a legend arbitrarily.
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Label a point in a legend arbitrarily.
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] RE: mapserver 5.6 CGI output GeoJSON format 2
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Imagemap making . . . (last post didn't format very well., sorry . . .)
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Layers mutually exclusive
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Postgis/mapserver error
Paul Maddock
- [mapserver-users] Validation error (but working!)
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] Validation error (but working!)
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] extracting geo data from a tiff
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] help -- PostGIS data not displaying as expected, works with shapefiles though!
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] Really slow map creation from POSTGIS DB
Matt McClelland
- [mapserver-users] HI EVERYONE
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: Projection issue with vrt file
Marc-Andre Morin
- [mapserver-users] Re: Projection issue with vrt file
Marc-Andre Morin
- [mapserver-users] Projection issue with vrt file
Morin, Marc-André
- [mapserver-users] pointObj->project behaviour differences from 4.10 to 5.6 versions
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] owsRequestObj->loadParams() in PHP/MapScript
Keith Moss
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] Fail to build Mapscript Python with current source
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Hellp please!!
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] RE: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 51, Issue 11
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] labels problem
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] labels problem
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] Help Please
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic legends
Fernando Norte
- [mapserver-users] Layers mutually exclusive
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6 CGI output GeoJSON format
Li Quansheng
- [mapserver-users] mapserver CGI GeoJSON output
Li Quansheng
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6 CGI output GeoJSON format
Li Quansheng
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6 CGI output GeoJSON format 2
Li Quansheng
- [mapserver-users] pointObj->project behaviour differences from 4.10 to 5.6 versions
Juanma M. R.
- [mapserver-users] pointObj->project behaviour differences from 4.10 to 5.6 versions
Juanma M. R.
- [mapserver-users] Re: pointObj->project behaviour differences from 4.10 to 5.6 versions
Juanma M. R.
- [mapserver-users] Hellp please!!
Venkat Shesu Reddem
- [mapserver-users] Hellp please!!
Venkat Shesu Reddem
- [mapserver-users] WMS Speed vs Direct URL
Andrew Revering
- [mapserver-users] osgeo mapserver error
Remon Sadikni
- [mapserver-users] osgeo mapserver error
Remon Sadikni
- [mapserver-users] CITE Test WMS 1.3.0 - Test GetFeatureInfo query layers not queryable
Simon Schröder
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo Response from shapefile is wrong, also the Labeling
Stefanie Senn
- [mapserver-users] On-the-fly vertical assembly of disparate tilesets using MapCache?
John Taranu
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
Havard Tveite
- [mapserver-users] help - mapserver and postgis connection
Sean Twomey
- [mapserver-users] help - mapserver and postgis connection
Sean Twomey
- [mapserver-users] help -- PostGIS data not displaying as expected, works with shapefiles though!
Sean Twomey
- [mapserver-users] placement of labels from two different polygons that have the same feature shape
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] placement of labels from two different
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] Anyone used MapServer to draw (things other thanmaps) with?
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Projection issue with vrt file
Frank Warmerdam
- AW: [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Arnd Wippermann
- AW: [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Arnd Wippermann
- AW: [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] How to disable repeated labels
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Using 2 attributes in 1 class
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] placement of labels from two different polygons that have the same feature shape
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Help!
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] placement of labels from two different
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] placement of labels from two different
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] WMS Speed vs Direct URL
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] postgis error "geom" deos not exit
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Really slow map creation from POSTGIS DB
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Really slow map creation from POSTGIS DB
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI 5.6.6 and MapServer CGI 6.0.2 image quality varies.
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Validation error (but working!)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] [Announce] Change of source code repository and issue tracker
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] On-the-fly vertical assembly of disparate tilesets using MapCache?
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] pdf vector output in 6.02
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
- [mapserver-users] Re: pdf vector output in 6.02
- [mapserver-users] Re: Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
- [mapserver-users] Re: Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
- [mapserver-users] Re: Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
- [mapserver-users] How I get image high quality for print?
mmypost mmypost
- [mapserver-users] Problem with gif lib when compiling mapserver 6.0.2
melanie.poser-hartmann at muenchen.de
- [mapserver-users] HELLLPPP!!!!
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] WMS Speed vs Direct URL
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] elevation profile
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Open Layers Problem
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Re: Turn off anti-alias Mapserver 6.0
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 23:04:16 PDT 2012
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:54 PDT 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).