[mapserver-users] Reclassify raster cell values

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Sat Dec 15 01:12:23 PST 2012


Perhaps you just do it somehow wrong. Show your PROCESSING line and try meanwhile something like

PROCESSING "LUT=0:255,1:1,255:255"

I haven't tried it myself, this is mostly a guess.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: ALT SHN [i.geografica at alt-shn.org]
Lähetetty: 15. joulukuuta 2012 0:48
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka
Kopio: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] Reclassify raster cell values

Thank you Rahknonen,

However this is not quite what I expected. If I reclassify a particular value, all other cells disapear.
This leads me to another question (I'll open another topic too). the PROCESSING LUT command can be used as a way to build a indexed color table for 8bit rasters. Is there a way to import a color table ?

Thank you


2012/12/10 Rahkonen Jukka <Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi<mailto:Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi>>

It should be possible to do what you want by using the PROCESSING LUT option.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

> ALT SHN wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> First time Mapserver user here, and I would appreciate some advice regarding this problem:

> I have a Tile Index of single band TIFF rasters (0-255). The rasters are displayer fast, and accuratly. However these rasters cover a sea shore area, this means that half the rasters are sea territory, wich is represented in black (0 cell values)

> Is there way, in the Mapfile to reclassify the 0 cells to 255 in order to turn them white? I know I can always pre process the rasters, but I'm talking about forty + files...

> Thanks in advance,


André Mano

Associação Leonel Trindade

Apartado 25 2564-909 Torres Vedras Portugal
Sede e Biblioteca: rua Cavaleiros da Espora Dourada, 27A 2560 Torres Vedras

Laboratório de Paleontologia e Paleoecologia: Polígono Industrial do Alto do Ameal 2565-641 Ramalhal

Associação Leonel Trindade

Apartado 25 2564-909 Torres Vedras Portugal
Sede e Biblioteca: rua Cavaleiros da Espora Dourada, 27A 2560 Torres Vedras

Laboratório de Paleontologia e Paleoecologia: Polígono Industrial do Alto do Ameal 2565-641 Ramalhal

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