[mapserver-users] Pie chart does not show

julia paredes japr94 at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 2 15:59:43 PDT 2012

Hi all I want to create a pie chart for some data. The problem that I'm facing is that i'm not getting any errors when I test the layer using shp2img; however, I just get a white image. This is my mapfile: MAP         EXTENT -20037508 -20037508 20037508 20037508         SIZE 400 400         IMAGETYPE PNG LAYER     NAME "Survey"     TYPE CHART     CONNECTIONTYPE OGR	    CONNECTION "MSSQL:server=myserver;database=data;uid=me;pwd=key"     DATA "SELECT Option, COUNT(*) AS RESULT FROM Survey GROUP BY Option"     PROCESSING "CHART_TYPE=pie"     PROCESSING "CHART_SIZE=30"     STATUS ON     CLASSITEM 'Option'     CLASS         EXPRESSION '1'         NAME "one"         STYLE         SIZE [RESULT]         COLOR 255 244 237         END     END     CLASS         EXPRESSION '2'         NAME "two"         STYLE         SIZE [RESULT]         COLOR 255 217 191         END     END     CLASS         EXPRESSION '3'         NAME "three"         STYLE             SIZE [RESULT]             COLOR 255 186 140         END     END     CLASS         EXPRESSION '4'         NAME "Four"         STYLE             SIZE [RESULT]             COLOR 255 186 0         END     END END END Any ideas of what could be missing in my mapfile? Thanks 		 	   		  
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