[mapserver-users] Scripted geoprocessing

Sam Skinner sam at planyukon.ca
Fri Jun 1 16:33:31 PDT 2012

Hi all,
I am writing a python script that will (weekly) download and extract 
data (shapefiles) from an organization without a WMS or WFS. This script 
will reside on my linux-based mapserver (5.6). I am looking for a way 
for this script to dissolve polygons with a common attribute. This will 
help rendering speed and ease of visualization. Any ideas on how I could 
do this? From what I understand (which isn't much!), I could import the 
data into PostGIS, then run some query there. Is there a simpler way? Is 
anyone familiar with Sextante, and would that work?


Sam Skinner (Mapserver admin and newbie)
Yukon Land Use Planning Council

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