June 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jun 1 02:30:03 PDT 2012
Ending: Sat Jun 30 13:44:22 PDT 2012
Messages: 277
- [mapserver-users] MBTiles in Mapserver
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] will Mapserver ever support SLD inside Mapfile?
G. Allegri
- [mapserver-users] will Mapserver ever support SLD inside Mapfile?
G. Allegri
- [mapserver-users] slow access to PostGIS layer
G. Allegri
- [mapserver-users] Cut off/missing tiles [bump]
Charlie Allgrove
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] shortest_path query
Annu Anurag
- [mapserver-users] Strange coordinates used in GetFeatureInfo request
Anzel, Phil - NRCS, Fort Collins, CO
- [mapserver-users] Strange coordinates used in GetFeatureInfo request
Anzel, Phil - NRCS, Fort Collins, CO
- [mapserver-users] Ozz
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] Hi All
Özgür Arslan
- [mapserver-users] EPSG 27493
Luis Baptista
- [mapserver-users] Create 2 Feature Object Animation (Openlayers)
Vivaldi Al Barado
- [mapserver-users] Not sure how to debug or fix -image not being produced due to msCalculateScale(): General error message
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Anaimated images as map sources
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Anaimated images as map sources
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] undesired pattern with getLegendGraphic
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [mapserver-users] Failed to open map file error
Bistrais, Bob
- [mapserver-users] MapServer with Geodatabases
Bistrais, Bob
- [mapserver-users] Problems with query
Bistrais, Bob
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] File size of generated PNG
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] SLD TextSymbolizer in 6.1-dev
Julien Cigar
- [mapserver-users] two shapes one layer/query
Jessica Clarke
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
Greg Corradini
- [mapserver-users] Shift of half a pixel
Fritz van Deventer
- [mapserver-users] Shift of half a pixel
Fritz van Deventer
- [mapserver-users] Shift of half a pixel
Fritz van Deventer
- [mapserver-users] WFS GetFeature issue with MS4W
Alexandre Dube
- [mapserver-users] WFS GetFeature issue with MS4W
Alexandre Dube
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Alexandre Dube
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Alexandre Dube
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Alexandre Dube
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic Pie Piece Marker
Ryan Dussiaume
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic Pie Piece Marker
Ryan Dussiaume
- [mapserver-users] PostGIS Raster and WMS Time
Jonas Eberle
- [mapserver-users] Scripted geoprocessing
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] shortest_path query
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different wms sources based on the current resolution or scale?
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different wms sources based on the current resolution or scale?
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] Centos or Ubuntu 11.04
Charles Eliason
- [mapserver-users] World File's
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] ESRI file geodatabase and php mapscript
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Map Border
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] two shapes one layer/query
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Ludovic Gnemmi
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Ludovic Gnemmi
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Ludovic Gnemmi
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Ludovic Gnemmi
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Thomas Gratier
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] show only classes in legend within current extent
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Projection
Thomas Hofmann
- [mapserver-users] Projection
Thomas Hofmann
- [mapserver-users] Positioning of point symbols
Jason Jackson
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] ecw problems
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] File size of generated PNG
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Run-time substitution
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile Variables
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] QGIS WEB Client / Qgis Server
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Grouping WFS Layers to Output One GML file
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Grouping WFS Layers to Output One GML file
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] newbie just getting a blank page
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] slow access to PostGIS layer
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] label style polyline problem
Joel Kaiser
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Grouping WFS Layers to Output One GML file
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Grouping WFS Layers to Output One GML file
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] Grouping WFS Layers to Output One GML file
Donald Kerr
- [mapserver-users] nad to nad grid shifts
Travis Kirstine
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
Mr. Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
Mr. Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Status with raster-layer-classes doesn't work
Ludwig Kniprath
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Barend Köbben
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Barend Köbben
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Barend Köbben
- [mapserver-users] World File's
Jeff Lake
- [mapserver-users] WFS GetFeature issue with MS4W
Eric Lemoine
- [mapserver-users] multiple query layers
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Shift of half a pixel
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] AGG: Internal vs. External
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Scripted geoprocessing
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapServer with Geodatabases
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Regular expression error
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Anaimated images as map sources
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Anaimated images as map sources
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Map Not Available at This Scale Image
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] show only classes in legend within current extent
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] will Mapserver ever support SLD inside Mapfile?
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] QGIS WEB Client / Qgis Server
Kadu Machado
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript installer error 'zend_class_entry' has no member named 'default_properties'
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile Variables
Matt McClelland
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile Variables
Matt McClelland
- [mapserver-users] Map Border
Matt McClelland
- [mapserver-users] MapServer with Geodatabases
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Need help to debug a code
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile Variables
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] EPSG 27493
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] ESRI file geodatabase and php mapscript
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] will Mapserver ever support SLD inside Mapfile?
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Map Border
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] EPSG 27493
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript installer error 'zend_class_entry' has no member named 'default_properties'
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface for 64 Bit Java Version?
Jacob Mendt
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver as WMS client, legend pass-through . . .
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Strange coordinates used in GetFeatureInfo request
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Strange coordinates used in GetFeatureInfo request
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Charter Member Nomination: Thomas Bonfort
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] AGG: Internal vs. External
Alberto Najera
- [mapserver-users] accessing different band values in the same layer
Helen San Segundo Navazo
- [mapserver-users] accessing different band values in the same layer
Helen San Segundo Navazo
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different styles defined in the mapfile
Helen San Segundo Navazo
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface for 64 Bit Java Version?
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface for 64 Bit Java Version?
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] Failed to connect to github
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] Avoid label overlaps
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] Avoid label overlaps
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] Support SLD and mapscript
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] MapServer & SLD
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] user accounting on wms
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] what template for GetFeatureInfo
Andrea Peri
- [mapserver-users] newbie just getting a blank page
Eloi Ribeiro
- [mapserver-users] newbie just getting a blank page
Eloi Ribeiro
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6.0.3 make error
Even Rouault
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6.0.3 make error
Even Rouault
- [mapserver-users] File size of generated PNG
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic Pie Piece Marker
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver/PostGIS Faster Initial Load Time
Mike Saunt
- [mapserver-users] show only classes in legend within current extent
Mike Saunt
- [mapserver-users] will Mapserver ever support SLD inside Mapfile?
Mike Saunt
- [mapserver-users] Scripted geoprocessing
Sam Skinner
- [mapserver-users] ESRI file geodatabase and php mapscript
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] accessing different band values in the same layer
Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
- [mapserver-users] Mapcache OnlineResource
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] Mapcache OnlineResource
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface for 64 Bit Java Version?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript Java Interface for 64 Bit Java Version?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Positioning of point symbols
Jörg Thomsen
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Marc-André Trottier
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Marc-André Trottier
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Marc-André Trottier
- [mapserver-users] Positioning of point symbols
Havard Tveite
- [mapserver-users] Not sure how to debug or fix -image not being produced due to msCalculateScale(): General error message
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different wms sources based on the current resolution or scale?
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different wms sources based on the current resolution or scale?
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] [Mapserver-users] map cache - is it possible to access different was sources based on the current resolution or scale?
Mark Volz
- [mapserver-users] Outlining label text
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Maps for 16 bit displays
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Outlining label text
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] [mapserver-dev] Maps for 16 bit displays
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-line features
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] MapFile ClassItem Expression on in-linefeatures
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Ian Walberg
- [mapserver-users] Circles around points in miles
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] Projection
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] MapCache - A way to delete a whole zoom level ?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Not sure how to debug or fix -image not being produced due to msCalculateScale(): General error message
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Failed to open map file error
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] mapcache
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Hi All
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Anaimated images as map sources
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Hindi and Thai text rendering
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile Variables
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] MBTiles in Mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] GRID - how to display labels not in degrees
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Avoid label overlaps
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Avoid label overlaps
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Charter Member Nomination: Thomas Bonfort
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] mapserver set no image available
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6.0.3 make error
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6.0.3 make error
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6.0.3 make error
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] File size of generated PNG
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] [mapserver-dev] Maps for 16 bit displays
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - transparency, surrounding area color, performance when assembling images (pink tiles)
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] accessing different band values in the same layer
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different styles defined in the mapfile
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.2.0-beta1 release - Please test!
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Cut off/missing tiles [bump]
- [mapserver-users] - Hadoop
scott159 at free.fr
- [mapserver-users] Run-time substitution
scott159 at free.fr
- [mapserver-users] Need help to debug a code
- [mapserver-users] Need help to debug a code
- [mapserver-users] 6.0.2 International Dateline Layer with HATCHED Symbol Causes Hanging Processes
- [mapserver-users] GetLegendGraphic problem
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] Period in a getmap with time dimension
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] RE GetLegendGraphic problem UPDATE
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] undesired pattern with getLegendGraphic
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] undesired pattern with getLegendGraphic
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] SLD TextSymbolizer in 6.1-dev
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
- [mapserver-users] Curved Lines
- [mapserver-users] Pie chart not showing
- [mapserver-users] EPSG 27493
- [mapserver-users] EPSG 27493
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
- [mapserver-users] GetStyles SLD does not include Opacity value
- [mapserver-users] ecw problems
stefano parodi
- [mapserver-users] ecw problems
stefano parodi
- [mapserver-users] Scripted geoprocessing
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] error accessing PostGIS 2 layer
- [mapserver-users] msLoadMSRasterBufferFromFile(): General error message. unable to open file
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 13:44:22 PDT 2012
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:55 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).