[mapserver-users] AGG: Internal vs. External

Alberto Najera anajera at bicimapas.com.mx
Tue Jun 5 07:23:13 PDT 2012


I am using Mapserver as a WMS server and would like to improve the rendered
image quality. Currently we get jagged lines and poor text rendering as  you
can see in this link


Source are SHP files. We plan to use AGG to improve this and are using
Mapserver 6.01. I have not installed AGG  but when running /.configure it
shows AGG Support: Internal and with ./mapserv -v shows  SUPPORTS: AGG.

The question is whether there is a difference between internal or external
AGG support?   Is this internal AGG support provided by GD?  Finally, is
there a suggestion on how to improve the image rendering quality?

The map file has this image rendering setting:

NAME "DemoFerre"
SIZE 640 480
IMAGECOLOR 244 244 244
SHAPEPATH "/home/bicimapas/mapdata/"
EXTENT -99.070427 17.869010 -96.723984 20.839951
FONTSET "/home/bicimapas/mapdata/fontset.txt"

Thanks in advance

Alberto Najera

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