[mapserver-users] Status with raster-layer-classes doesn't work

Ludwig Kniprath ludwig at kni-online.de
Thu Jun 7 03:03:58 PDT 2012

Hi List,
I'm using MS4W 3.0.6 (MapServer version 6.0.3) with PHP-mapscript, but 
this problem occured on older versions too.

I have an tile-indexed raster-layer for topografic maps (for the german 
users: it's the TK 25 from NRW).

The tiffs are colour-indexed, so I use several classes like this:

     NAME "Beschriftung"
     EXPRESSION ([pixel] = 13)
         COLOR 0 0 0

I want to give the user with our web client the possibility, to hide 
some classes, so I tried the following mapscript:

for($cc=0; $cc < $map_file_layer_object->numclasses; $cc++){
     $map_file_layer_object->getClass($cc)->status = $some_boolean_variable;

where some_boolean_variable sets the class-status to on (=visible) or 
off (=hidden).

Unfortunatly, this only works for feature-layers, but has no effect on 

Hint: Setting "STATUS OFF" in the mapfile doen't work with 
raster-layers, too. The class is allways drawn.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


As workaround i got the same effect with

     for($sc=0; $sc < $map_file_class->numstyles; $sc++){
         $map_file_class->getStyle($sc)->opacity = 0;
but this seems too complicated...

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