[mapserver-users] making pgrouting shortest distance function run with mapserver

Annu Anurag i.skidoosh at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 05:29:48 PDT 2012

Dear friends. I'm new to pgrouting. It is part of my M.Tech thesis. I need
to route from one point to another using dijkstra's algorithm. I intend to
use pgrouting for it. I tried to follow the documentation of pgrouting
along with some forum posts on websites. But despite having tried many
combinations of code, I've been getting errors and I haven't been able to
get the code to run. It is supposed to be simple but I'm obviously making a
silly mistake somewhere. Please look into the code that I'm attaching and
send me some suggestions as to how to make it work. Thank you very much.
Here's the relevant layer code:

            NAME "route"
            CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
            CONNECTION "user=postgres password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb
            DEBUG 5
            STATUS DEFAULT
            TYPE LINE
            DATA "the_geom from (SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS
id, source::int4, target::int4, length::double precision AS cost,
length::double AS reverse_cost FROM edges_line', 50, 210, false, false)) AS
foo using unique gid using srid=-1"
            TEMPLATE "t"

            # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////THE
CLASS THAT CLASSIFIES EVERYTHING IN IT. ////////////////////////////////


                NAME "0"
                    SYMBOL "circle"
                    SIZE 10
                    OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0
                    COLOR 165 42 42


I am getting this error:

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'route'.
msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error executing query: ERROR:
column "the_geom" does not exist LINE 1: select
encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'he... ^

When I brought up the error log, this is what I got:

[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].605652 msPostGISLayerNextShape called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].605688 msPostGISLayerFreeItemInfo called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].605716 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].605764 msConnPoolRelease(Road4,user=postgres
password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb host=localhost,0x88fe3f0)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].605801 msConnPoolClose(user=postgres
password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb host=localhost,0x88fe3f0)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].606352 msDrawMap(): Layer 3 (Road4), 0.487s
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].606465 msPostGISLayerOpen called: the_geom from
(SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4,
length::double precision AS cost, length::double AS reverse_cost FROM
edges_line', 50, 210, false, false)) AS foo using unique gid using srid=-1
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].606515 msPostGISLayerOpen: No connection in
pool, creating a fresh one.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].796074 msConnPoolRegister(route,user=postgres
password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb host=localhost,0x88fe3f0)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834424 msPostGISLayerOpen: Got PostGIS version
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834495 msPostGISLayerFreeItemInfo called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834635 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834677 msPostGISParseData called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834770 msPostGISParseData: unique_column=gid,
srid=-1, geom_column_name=the_geom, table_name=(SELECT * FROM
shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4, length::double
precision AS cost, length::double AS reverse_cost FROM edges_line', 50,
210, false, false)) AS foo
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834817 msPostGISBuildSQL called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834855 msPostGISBuildSQLItems called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834887 msPostGISBuildSQLItems: 0 items requested.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834919 msPostGISBuildSQLFrom called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834949 msPostGISBuildSQLWhere called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].834978 msPostGISBuildSQLSRID called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].835008 msPostGISBuildSQLSRID: SRID provided (-1)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].835037 msPostGISBuildSQLBox called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].835136 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes query: select
encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"gid" from
(SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4,
length::double precision AS cost, length::double AS reverse_cost FROM
edges_line', 50, 210, false, false)) AS foo where the_geom &&
GeomFromText('POLYGON((-6015.80966101695 -4605.49,-6015.80966101695
4811.71,6544.54966101695 4811.71,6544.54966101695
-4605.49,-6015.80966101695 -4605.49))',-1)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].837949 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes query status:
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838047 Error (msPostGISLayerWhichShapes()
) executing query: ERROR:  column "the_geom" does not exist
LINE 1: select encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'he...
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838102 msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error.
Error executing query: ERROR:  column "the_geom" does not exist
LINE 1: select encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("the_geom"),'NDR'),'he...

[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838139 msPostGISLayerFreeItemInfo called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838171 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
(SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4,
length::double precision AS cost, length::double AS reverse_cost FROM
edges_line', 50, 210, false, false)) AS foo using unique gid using srid=-1
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838205 msConnPoolRelease(route,user=postgres
password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb host=localhost,0x88fe3f0)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838239 msConnPoolClose(user=postgres
password=********** dbname=VSDelhidb host=localhost,0x88fe3f0)
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].838779 msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed
to draw layer named 'route'.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].840194 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].840272 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].840309 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].840347 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].840386 msPostGISLayerClose called: the_geom from
(SELECT * FROM shortest_path('SELECT gid AS id, source::int4, target::int4,
length::double precision AS cost, length::double AS reverse_cost FROM
edges_line', 50, 210, false, false)) AS foo using unique gid using srid=-1
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].842833 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x88724e8.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].842908 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].842953 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x88732e8.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].842984 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843025 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x8874220.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843057 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843099 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x88750d8.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843152 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843203 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 0x8875fb8.
[Mon Jun 11 17:33:41 2012].843351 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.

Please help! Thank you!
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