[mapserver-users] Problems with query

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Tue Jun 19 11:29:56 PDT 2012

I continue to have problems with querying layers as I migrate to newer software versions.  Right now, I am moving an application to MS 6.0.2, MapScript 6.1, PHP 5.3.10.

I can display my layers properly.  When I try to do a query I get an error.  Here is the code:
                                $path = $info[2];
                                if(substr($path,0,1) == '.') {
                                                $path = $CONFIGURATION['root'].$path;
                                $map = ms_newMapObj($path);

The $path looks correct if I echo it back.
Here is the error message:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' with message 'Failed to open map file "/ms4w_304/apps/maptest/maps/./towns100.map"' in C:\ms4w_304\apps\maptest\htdocs\php\identify.php:127

It's also worth noting that this application works OK on a local machine.  It's when I migrate it to a server that the trouble starts.
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