[mapserver-users] Dynamic Pie Piece Marker

Ryan Dussiaume ryan.dussiaume at mentum.com
Tue Jun 26 15:30:35 PDT 2012

Yes, I think I'll have to take that approach but I was hoping to have a curved line rather than a series of straight ones.  Do you know if it is possible to clip a symbol or provide a mask for it?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sanson [mailto:Robert.Sanson at asurequality.com] 
Sent: June 26, 2012 0:10
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org; Ryan Dussiaume
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Dynamic Pie Piece Marker

You could create 36 symbols covering pie wedges in 10 degree increments,  then select which one by rounding your attribute to the nearest 10 degrees and selecting the appropriate symbol. Fill color could be selected by the second attribute.



>>> Ryan Dussiaume <ryan.dussiaume at mentum.com> 26/06/2012 2:25 p.m. >>>

I'm trying to create a point marker shaped like a pie piece where the pie piece can be various sizes based on an attribute of the point.  For example, it could look like a piece of pie when the attribute is 30 degrees or it could look like Pacman if the attribute is 300 degrees.  The color of the pie piece would be determined by an attribute as well.

Does anyone know if this is possible with MapServer and how to do it?

I was hoping that I could layer two lines on top of a circle and then somehow define a mask for the circle symbol so that the unwanted piece is cut out.  After some research, it doesn't seem like it's possible.  Has anyone done anything similar?


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