[mapserver-users] Cut off/missing tiles [bump]

forums forums at craniumjuice.com
Tue Jun 12 05:35:44 PDT 2012

Try adding +over to your epsg definition of 4326.  It fixed the problem for
Mine looks like this now:

<4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +over +no_defs  <>

You might need to upgrade your version of PROJ4 for it to have an effect.


On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Charlie Allgrove <
charlie.allgrove at connectionservices.com> wrote:

> Hi****
> ** **
> I have an issue which seems to relate to tile-edge buffering and
> world-view zoom levels.****
> ** **
> There's an example page at http://mapserver.magicsite.co.uk****
> ** **
> When you first visit the page, all seems normal, until you zoom out 1
> level, at which point the tile which should sit over the west of the US
> doesn't display.****
> From what I can see, when tile-edge buffering is ON and the tile next tile
> wraps around the world, the tile in question is not rendered.****
> Turn edge-buffering off and that tile is rendered correctly.
> Unfortunately, I'm in a position where I can't turn the buffering off.****
> ** **
> from the mapfile:
> WEB****
>     METADATA****
>         "wms_title" "xxxx"****
>         "wms_onlineresource" "xxxx"****
>         "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"****
>         "tile_map_edge_buffer" "9" # 9 pixel rendering buffer****
>         "http_max_age" "86400"****
>     END****
>   END****
> ** **
> As far as I can tell, everything else is working correctly. ****
> What I'm not clear on - is this a bug in the edge buffering within the
> software, or am I doing something wrong?****
> ** **
> The server running the example URL is  currently using version 5.7-dev,
> but the same issue is also apparent on a production server running v6.0.2*
> ***
> ** **
> Interested to know if anyone else has experienced the same issue?****
> ** **
> Regards****
> ** **
> Charlie****
> ** **
> --****
> Charlie Allgrove****
> Senior Developer****
> ** **
> Connection Services :: Business Mobility for a Wireless World****
> ** **
> Connection Services Ltd is a company incorporated under the laws of
> England and Wales with company number 6520674 whose registered office is at
> Griffins Court, 24-32 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1JX. The
> information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be
> legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee or addressees.
> If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any
> attachments and notify the sender of misdelivery: any use or disclosure of
> the contents of either is unauthorised and may be unlawful. All liability
> for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views
> expressed in this message are those of the individual sender. In accordance
> with the provisions of its Terms of Business the Company does not accept
> instructions or the creation of contractual obligations by unconfirmed
> electronic transmission.****
> ** **
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A computer without Windows is like chocolate cake without mustard.
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