[mapserver-users] mapcache - is it possible to access different styles defined in the mapfile

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 03:28:58 PDT 2012

The WMTS service uses a hardcoded "default" as the expected style. You
can open a enhancement issue in the tracker [1] so that such a style
can be forwarded to the WMS source.


[1] https://github.com/mapserver/mapcache/issues

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Helen San Segundo Navazo
<hsansegundo at meteo.cat> wrote:
> I'm using mapcache and I have a mapfile defined with different styles inside
> a Layer.
> I want to use mapcache with the different styles for the wms. When I make
> the request to the wms with the different styles it works.
> I've tried to define the styles inside de params tag like down:
> <source name="Rayos_params" type="wms">
> <getmap>
> <params>
> <FORMAT>image/png</FORMAT>
> <map>/var/www/mapserver/mapfile/rayos_acum.map</map>
> <STYLE>iconos</STYLE>
> </params>
> </getmap>
> <http>
> <url>http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv</url>
> </http>
> </source>
> when I make the wmts request passing the style value it doesn't work
> <!-- received request with invalid style "iconos" (expecting "default") -->
> Is possible to use mapcache with different styles?
> Thanks,
> Helen
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