[mapserver-users] mapcache - working with different grids

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Thu May 10 04:01:40 PDT 2012


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Mark Volz <MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us> wrote:
> Hello,
> I started working with Mapcache.  I added a tileset that is in UTM 15
> (26915) and it is working fine on the demo page
> http://localhost/mapcache/demo/wms.  However when I add the layer to
> ArcView, I get a warning about inconsistent extents.   I noticed the service
> is advertising several extents:  EPSG:900913, EPSG:103749, EPSG:26915,
> EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857.  So I made sure ArcGIS was requesting the correct
> coordinate system via layer>change coordinate system.  Even after switching
> the coordinate system, I still did not see anything  (even when zoomed into
> the appropriate area)

I've never tried the wms service in arcgis...

what I do know is that mapcache advertises all known grids in the wms
root layer, however only the actually cached grids are advertised for
each individual layer (that's what the spec requires, although it does
not fit very well with cached layers). I wouldn't be very surprised
arcgis chokes on that.
Check your server logs for the requests actually being sent out by
arcgis, that will at least tell you if the correct grid is being used.

> I also am trying to get another layer cached, which is in county
> coordinates.  I did add a grid for the county coordinates.  Unfortunately I
> cannot get that service working in either the demo page or the ArcMap.  I
> can get the source of that service (before it is cached in MapCache) to work
> in ArcMap.

need more info... mapcache itself does no projection handling, the
grid srs is only used as a key to lookup which tiles to return, and is
forwarded to the wms server as is. Right clicking on a pink tile in
the demo page and opening the image in a new window might give you
more info to help debugging.


> Questions:
> Is this the right mailing list, or does mapcache have a separate list?
> How can I limit the grids / spatial references that Mapcache advertises?
> What am I missing that Mapcache works fine in the demo pages, but not in
> ArcMap?  - note I set  <full_wms>assemble</full_wms> and <service type="wms"
> enabled="true">
> Is there anything I need to know about custom spatial references?  I am
> guessing that Mapserver itself only needs the grid set.
> Thanks for all the help!
> Mark Volz
> GIS Specialist
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