[mapserver-users] Class group and getfeatureinfo request

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon May 14 13:39:45 PDT 2012

On 12-05-14 2:22 PM, Marc-André Trottier wrote:
> Is there a way to consider the "CLASS GROUP" into a WMS getfeatureinfo
> request ?

CLASS GROUPs are mapped to named WMS STYLES by MapServer:


I didn't test this, but since GetFeatureInfo is really a complete GetMap 
plus a few extra parameters specific to GetFeatureInfo, it should be 
possible to set the GetMap STYLES=... parameter in the GetFeatureInfo 
URL and have it select only the right group of classes for the layer(s) 
for which a style is specified.

(MapServer also has a STYLE block inside CLASSes, but don't let that 
confuse you. The WMS STYLEs are really mapped to CLASS GROUPs.)

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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