[mapserver-users] OGRVRT Data Sources and SQL server

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue May 29 04:40:10 PDT 2012

On 12-05-29 5:57 AM, Chris Jackson wrote:
> Hi Robert
> Thanks for the reply, you have got me to a point where ogrinfo
> commandline processes an ovf file using sql authentication fine. 
> However it will still not display using shp2img commandline (other layer
> in mapfile draws fine). My layer definition is fairly simple, but I am
> scratching my head to think what is stopping the layer from drawing! 
> The points are in standard lat/long so using WGS84 (layer and map
> projection).

Hmm tricky.  I would then:

- remove all layers from my mapfile, leaving only the one problem layer
- remove all PROJECTION objects
- then I would execute ogrinfo on my ovf file
- and use the extents returned there in the EXTENT parameter of my

Worth a shot.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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