[mapserver-users] postgis - geomfromtext problem

Ahmet Temiz ahmettemiz88 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 01:00:55 PDT 2012


I upgraded my postgis to 2.1.0.

But this version of postgis doesn't accept "geomfromtext" (instead
"ST_GeomFromText" only )

following mapserver - java related codes produce "geomfromtext" and
then give error:

jeoLayer1.setData("geom from  (select gid,label,geom from sjeo_yas6)
as foo  using unique gid using srid=4326 ");
String f = "label=" + "'" + yas + "'";

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
'(null)'.;msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR:
function geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: ...'hex') as geom,"gid" from sjeo_yas6 where geom && GeomFromTe...


I compiled mapserver 6.0.1

what can I do ?


Ahmet Temiz
Jeoloji Müh.
Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı
Planlama ve Zarar Azaltma Dairesi Başkanlığı

Eskişehir Yolu 10. km.
Lodumlu / Ankara
Tel : 0 312 2872680 / 1535

Ahmet Temiz
Geological Eng.
Information Systems - GIS Group
Disaster and Emergency Management
of Presidency

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