[mapserver-users] Angle Auto with geomtransform arrows and small lines

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl
Mon Oct 29 08:46:57 PDT 2012


I'm constructing maps of street segments with arrows at the endpoints to 
indicate the direction of the house numbers, using the "geomtransform  / 
angle auto" method described in 
"http://mapserver.org/mapfile/symbology/construction.html". When zooming 
in, the arrow heads remain at the same size, while the street segments 
get smaller. This is as it should be, but when a street segments become 
smaller than the arrow-head, the direction of the arrow changes, as far 
as I can see at random. Shouldn't the direction of a symbol with "angle 
auto" always remain the same, regardless of the resolution of the map?

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